Applications for full-time, adjunct, and professor emeritus in addition to the Growth Credit Logs form are all available in the Academic Senate office.

Rank Advancement FAQs

A change in Step/Salary Class is evaluated by Human Resources, approved by the Vice President of Instruction, and based on your academic/equivalent credits attained after your initial placement on the salary schedule. For more information, see the PACCD/CTA contract agreement Section 12.6: Application for Advancement.

A change in professional rank is governed by the Academic Senate based upon recommendations made by the Rank Committee. It is an honorary change that follows most of the guidelines used by Human Resources for salary advancement.

The rank change is honorary and promotes continued learning and professional growth among faculty. Ideally, when a faculty is advancing its professional growth, then the campus community benefits directly and indirectly.

Although faculty members are monetarily rewarded for continuing their education and skills (Step/Salary Class advancement), recognition of their accomplishments from their peers is rewarded through title changes. Changing rank is voluntary and encouraged. 

All part-time and full time non-management certificated faculty (four years minimum at PCC) and department chairpersons who teach on a pro-rated teaching basis. 

Each rank has years’ of service and tenure requirement and 18 units (27 quarter units) of academic credit/equivalent credit earned after your Master’s or last rank change. Assistant Professor equates to the “B” salary class, while the Associate Professor and Professor equate to the “C” and “D” salary classes, respectively. We suggest you visit our website or pick up an application in the Academic Senate Office (C-227) and review the detailed information. Once you have completed the requirements, submit a completed application to the Academic Senate Rank Committee. Applications are accepted during the Fall and Spring semesters (see application for deadlines).

The Rank Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for approval to the Academic Senate Board. Final approval is made by the President of the College. Applicants are officially notified by the Academic Senate with a copy of the notification forwarded to Human Resources. 

The non-credit faculty is placed on a different salary schedule. The department of Human Resources doesn't look at this group’s academic/equivalent credits beyond the Master’s for salary increases. Therefore, the advancement of professional rank is left solely to the Rank Committee which determines advancement based on transcripts submitted for coursework completed after the Master’s.
Yes, they can be. The criteria are evaluated based on the minimum requirements to hold the title of Instructor is different from other faculty. Generally speaking, career-technical education instructors are hired with an Associate’s degree and 2-6 years field experience. See criteria for details.

Part-time faculty members must:

  1. Complete four years as adjunct faculty at PCC (eight full semesters-excludes inter-sessions).
  2. Attain a Bachelor’s degree plus 54 units of appropriate study completed after the Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree OR a Master’s plus 18 units completed after the Master’s.
  3. Step/salary class placement equivalent ≥ B6
  4. Submit a completed application form to the Academic Senate Office by the official deadline.

Part-time faculty members must:

  1. Complete four years as adjunct faculty at PCC (eight full semesters-excludes inter-sessions).
  2. Complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree and the documentation for the 15 professional growth credits attained after the Associate’s degree.
  3. Step/salary class placement equivalent to ≥ B6.
  4. Submit a completed application form the Academic Senate Office by the official deadline. 

The units (minimum of 54 semester units or 81 quarter units) must be upper division units, related to your area of teaching, and not a repeat of previously taken courses. 

Equivalent credit: Faculty may use equivalent credits towards a change in rank. Publishing articles or books, attending or presenting at conferences/continuing education programs (not paid for by the District), etc, are other ways of attaining credit for a change in rank. See the PACCD/CTA Agreement: Section 12.6 for specific details. 

Academic units that are not part of your Master’s degree cannot be used towards rank advancement. Applicants requesting a change in rank must be officially tenured (minimum 4 years full-time) and have at least 54 units (81 qtr. units) after their Bachelor’s degree OR 18 units (27 qtr. units) after their Master’s degree at each level of change (Assistant, Associate and Professor).
Professional Growth Credits (PGCs) are a way to quantify continued learning or professional growth. There are numerous ways to obtain these from taking academic courses related to what you teach, publishing articles/books, attending or presenting at conferences/continuing education programs, and performing in events, etc. For a full description of how PGCs work, see our application packet or visit our website:  

Initial placement on the “B” Step/Salary Class means you earned at least 18 units after your Master’s degree was awarded. To advance to Assistant Professor, you must be officially tenured (verified by Human Resources), employed full-time 4 years.

Similar criteria apply to those whose initial placement is at the higher levels of C and D. 

Professional growth is encouraged while you are working at PCC. Your initial placement on the salary schedule credits you with additional units earned prior to joining the PCC faculty. This academic community encourages its members to pursue continued learning and development.